Monday, October 24, 2011

I've been busy but.......

Sorry about the hiatus.  Its not like Mr. Oh has NOT been doing anything, but rather I haven't seen too much of him as of late due to my schedule and his schedule not "colluding".  In addition, his younger brother has come to visit.  Mr. Oh #2 seems to be a bit less strange, but only time will tell.
Here's a few things Mr. Oh has done that either completely incomprehensible, have annoyed me, or just plain funny.

About once or twice a week he'll put on a face mask for his skin (like clay or mud or something).  That's fine and all and I think its good that he tries to take care of himself, but the one time I subtly try to take a photo of him wearing it, he catches me and decides to pose.  Observe the pics below.

I don't think Mr. Oh has volume control.  He can be inappropriately loud.  Which is fine because I can be too, although when I tend to avoid such outburst particularly in the morning.  Just this morning, as we were getting to leave the house, I was sitting at my computer checking over somethings when he comes into to my room, says "good morning!", and then proceeds to look at what I'm doing over my shoulder. In other words his head is maybe 6 inches away from my ear (which is uncomfortable position to be in on its own) when for some reason he asks very loudly "What is that?".  I nearly jumped out of my seat.  Other times he'll laugh really loud at something trivial like a sarcastic comment or a mildly comical remark.  He laughs so loud that, although its just me and him in the room, I look around to see if anybody else notices.  When I catch myself realizing what I've just done, I then think 'hopefully I don't get any complaints from upstairs'.  That's how loud he can be.

Mr. Oh can be absolutely ludicrous at times.  He continually asks me the most impossible questions.  For example I can read comics on my Touchpad and when he realized I had some comics, he wanted to read them too.  I also have a small collection of ebooks I read on my kindle.  He then asks for some recommendations which I'm more then happy to do.  As I'm about to think of some books more appropriate for his level of English comprehension, he then changes his request to "what is the best book?".  I ask him if he's looking for something I like.  Nope.  Its the question as it was stated.  Same with the comics.  "What's the best comic?".  I looked at him with exasperation.  I told him it depends on what he likes.  I told him to peruse my collection and whatever he likes he can have.
At times, he'll ask me "why?" questions too.  These I can't even comprehend as to why anybody would ask anybody else these types of questions if they aren't of a personal nature or you're a child.  For example he'll come into my room and ask me what I'm doing.  If its the news I'm reading I'll then tell him about the article I'm reading.  He'll then ask 'why?'.  Why what? Why are people or businesses doing such things to each other?  Why is this happening in the world right now?  Why am I reading this?  I have no idea what he's trying to ask.  Funny thing is I'll bust out the little Korean I know and ask him to re-iterate his question and its still the same: "why?".

With his brother here, could it be possible it can get weirder?

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